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via Papua New Guinea
Please note -- Whilst all care has been taken in preparing and maintaining the FAQ's about Papua New Guinea it is not possible to be able verify every answer. The information is provided 'as is' and I can not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from the use of this information.
Please verify the information for yourself from a government source, travel agent or other similar organisation.
This database does not contain information about other countries. It is only about Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Flora and Fauna List of Categories
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- What is a puk puk?
- singing dog
- botanical & zoological names of flora & fauna
- Are cockroaches a problem in PNG?
- Are there any honeyeaters in PNG?
- What is the name of the Butcherbird found near Sudest Island?
- How does the Coffee Berry Borer do its damage?
- Why is the coffee berry borer difficult to control?
- What is the coffee berry borer?
- Can you give me a quick summary of the flora and fauna of PNG?
- Where can I find out information about buai / betel nut?
- What are the names of the Birds of Pardaise?
- What are the names of the birds known for their magnificant plumage in PNG?
- What do you know about the Bird of Paradise Plant? (strelitzia reginae)
- Where can I find out about wood products made from PNG rainforests?
- Are there any florists / flower shops in Port Moresby?
- Where can I find out information about the Vanimo Forest Products?
- What can you tell me about the Flora and Fauna of PNG?
- Where can I found information about orchids in PNG?
- How much rainforest does PNG have?
- Are there any rainforests in PNG?
- How many different types of rainforest does PNG have?
- Where can I find the largest zoological collection in PNG?
- Wher can I find a list of species held at the Rainforest Habitat in Lae?
- What is palm oil used for?
- Can you tell me about the history of Palm Oil?
- Does palm oil contain cholesterol?
- How many types of fern food are available in PNG?
- When common salt is not readily available in PNG what do people do?
- Is vanilla produced in PNG?
- How many different reptiles have been reported to be in PNG?
- How many reptiles can be found in PNG?
- How many different amphibian species are there in PNG?
- How much taro can be produced in a one hectare plot?
- Does PNG have any bats?
- Are there any kangaroos in PNG?
- What are some of the tree kangaroo species found in PNG?
- Who named the Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo -- Dendrolagus goodfellowi goodfellowi?
- How much tea did PNG produce in 2001?
- How much rubber did PNG produce in 2001?
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- What is a puk puk?
It is the tok pisin name for a crocodile.
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- singing dog
I assume you mean the New Guinea Singing Dog?
The New Guinea Singing Dog (NGSD) was discovered by the outside world in 1957 when the first pair was brought down from the New Guinea Highlands to the Taronga Zoo. Sydney, Australia. -- http://www.canineworld.com/ngsdcs/
About 100 New Guinea singing dogs exist in captivity but no one knows how many exist in the wild if any! It seems that only anecdotal evidence is available. It is possible that some dogs may exist to the west of Wau, Morobe Province in the mountains. Many people from this area remember seeing and hearing these dogs in the past. It is believed that singing dogs have been in PNG for over 5000 years. Some are reported as being able to climb trees. There are also singing dogs kept in South Carolina in the United States of America.
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- botanical & zoological names of flora & fauna
Sorry that would take more room than what this web site has available.
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- Are cockroaches a problem in PNG?
Yes, they love the tropical weather and can be in plague proportions.
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- Are there any honeyeaters in PNG?
Yes, one that springs to mind is the Tagula Honeyeater (Meliphaga vicina) - a species of bird in the Meliphagidae family. It is endemic to PNG
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- What is the name of the Butcherbird found near Sudest Island?
It is called the Tagula Butcherbird (Cracticus louisiadensis) and it is a species of bird in the Cracticidae family. It is endemic to PNG
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- How does the Coffee Berry Borer do its damage?
The Coffee Berry Borer cause damage by boring and depositing eggs into the berry. Larvae hatch and feed on the seed or bean, destroying it. Worldwide, the coffee berry borer causes an estimated $500 million in losses. The coffee industry has an economic value exceeding $70 billion annually, with over 20 million coffee-farming families producing coffee in more than 50 countries.
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- Why is the coffee berry borer difficult to control?
Living most of its life inside the coffee berry makes this pest difficult to control with traditional chemical and biological controls, so other methods must be devised.
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- What is the coffee berry borer?
The coffee berry borer, or CBB, has an interesting life cycle. The tiny (1.5-mm) bark beetle spends its entire larval life inside the coffee berry, which encases the seed, commonly known as the coffee bean. Males mate inside the berry with females, but never emerge. Only mated females emerge to fly to a new berry and bore into it to lay eggs and start the cycle anew. Only while outside the berry are the adult female borers vulnerable to predators or chemical controls.
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- Can you give me a quick summary of the flora and fauna of PNG?
PNG has about 200 species of mammals, 750 bird species (including 90 percent of the world's Birds of Paradise), 1500 tree species, 20,000 species of higher plants and is considered to be the richest island on the planet in terms of flora.
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- Where can I find out information about buai / betel nut?
For information about betel nut / buai pay a visit to -- http://www.nisbett.com/herbs/a/areca056.html or http://www.gnosticgarden.com/betel.htm and http://www.uicc.org/programmes/tobacco/fact_sheets/17fact.shtml
A parody of Waltzing Matilda called Kai Kai the Buai can be found at http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/WM/Kai.html
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- What are the names of the Birds of Pardaise?
umm, good question.
- Arfak Astrapia, Astrapia nigra
- Black Sicklebill, Epimachus fastuosus
- Black-billed Sicklebill, Epimachus albertisi
- Blue Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea rudolphi
- Brown Sicklebill, Epimachus meyeri
- Carola's Parotia, Parotia carolae
- Crested Bird-of-paradise, Cnemophilus macgregorii
- Crinkle-collared Manucode, Manucodia chalybata
- Curl-crested Manucode, Manucodia comrii
- Emperor Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea guilielmi
- Glossy-mantled Manucode, Manucodia atra
- Goldie's Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea decora
- Greater Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea apoda
- Greater Melampitta, Melampitta gigantea - tentatively included in this group
- Huon Astrapia, Astrapia rothschildi
- Jobi Manucode, Manucodia jobiensis
- King Bird-of-paradise, Cicinnurus regius
- King-of-Saxony Bird-of-paradise, Pteridophora alberti
- Lawes' Parotia, Parotia lawesii
- Lesser Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea minor
- Lesser Melampitta, Melampitta lugubris - tentatively included in this group
- Long-tailed Paradigalla, Paradigalla carunculata
- Loria's Bird-of-paradise, Cnemophilus loriae
- Macgregor's Bird-of-paradise, Macgregoria pulchra
- Magnificent Bird of Paradise, Cicinnurus magnificus
- Magnificent Riflebird, Ptiloris magnificus
- Pale-billed Sicklebill, Epimachus bruijnii
- Paradise Riflebird, Ptiloris paradiseus
- Paradise-crow, Lycocorax pyrrhopterus
- Princess Stephanie's Astrapia, Astrapia stephaniae
- Raggiana Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea raggiana
- Red Bird-of-paradise, Paradisaea rubra
- Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, Astrapia mayeri
- Short-tailed Paradigalla, Paradigalla brevicauda
- Splendid Astrapia, Astrapia splendidissima
- Superb Bird-of-paradise, Lophorina superba
- Trumpet Manucode, Manucodia keraudrenii
- Twelve-wired Bird-of-paradise, Seleucidis melanoleuca
- Victoria's Riflebird, Ptiloris victoriae
- Wahnes' Parotia, Parotia wahnesi
- Wallace's Standardwing, Semioptera wallacii
- Western Parotia, Parotia sefilata
- Wilson's Bird of Paradise, Cicinnurus respublica
- Yellow-breasted Bird-of-paradise, Loboparadisea sericea
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- What are the names of the birds known for their magnificant plumage in PNG?
The best known for their plumage are the species of the genus Paradisaea, including the type species, Paradisaea apoda, the Greater Bird of Paradise.
This species was described from specimens brought back to Europe from trading expeditions. These specimens had been prepared by native traders by removing their wings and feet, which led to the belief that the birds never landed but were kept permanently aloft by their plumes.
This gave both the name "birds of paradise" and the specific name apoda - without feet.
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- What do you know about the Bird of Paradise Plant? (strelitzia reginae)
Very little actually but if you pay a visit to a site maintained by Brian Smith you might be able to find out more. http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/bcd/brdhome.htm
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- Where can I find out about wood products made from PNG rainforests?
Try http://www.ecovitality.org/pngwood.htm
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- Are there any florists / flower shops in Port Moresby?
There are three (3) florists in town however I only have e-mail addresses for two.
Linden Blossom is the longest established florist in town and is owned by a Dutch couple who have been here over 30 years. Their e-address is lindenblossom@global.net.pg
The other one is called "The Flower Shop" an arm of the National Capital Botanical Gardens and their address is ncbg@orchidspng.com You should address your mail to Mary Ume who is the manageress of the shop.
The third outfit is an arm of the PNG Gardener company however I do not have an e- mail address for them.
I trust this information will assist you. If not, please let me know and I shall try to get more information for you.
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- Where can I find out information about the Vanimo Forest Products?
I recommend the following web site -- http://www.vanimoforestproducts.com.pg
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- What can you tell me about the Flora and Fauna of PNG?
There are close to 15,000 species of plants in Papua New Guinea, around 240 species of mammals including rats, bats, tree kangaroos and echidnas. There are also 760 species of birds including parrot, pigeon and kingfisher species.
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- Where can I found information about orchids in PNG?
Visit the site prepared by Wolfgang H. Bandisch at http://www.orchidspng.com
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- How much rainforest does PNG have?
Not sure. I have read that PNG has the world's third largest rainforest after Amazonia and the Congo.
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- Are there any rainforests in PNG?
Some people say that about seventy-five percent of PNG is covered by some of the most extensive, unspoilt rainforests in the world. Rainforests have greater plant variety than any other habitats, which in PNG include mangrove forests, swamps and lakes, flood plains, grasslands, savannahs, scrubland, woodlands and cultivated areas.
Sadly these forests are threatened with large scale industrial logging by the same companies that have decimated the forests of the Malaysia and Indonesia.
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- How many different types of rainforest does PNG have?
There are actually five types of rainforest: lowland alluvial and lowland hill; and then lower, middle or upper montane or highland rainforest. In the rainforest plants and animals are adapted to three strata: the forest floor, the understory and the canopy. The entire system depends on a lot of rainfall, and the humidity within it may reach the saturation point. Inside the canopy this moisture may be absorbed directly by tree bark or plant roots, or it may evaporate; the excess rains off and down into mountain gullies and creeks which eventually cascade over waterfalls and flow into lowland rivers to the sea. Just a look at the mighty Sepik River gives you an idea of how much water drains off the mountain rainforests in PNG.
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- Where can I find the largest zoological collection in PNG?
The Rainforest Habitat holds the largest zoological collection in PNG, and is committed to improving both zoo husbandry and exhibit standards in all animal-exhibiting facilities throughout the country. -- http://www.habitat.org.pg
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- Wher can I find a list of species held at the Rainforest Habitat in Lae?
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- What is palm oil used for?
Primarily soap but it is used as edible oil in some places. It is a rich source of beta-carotene. It can also be blended with other oils and made into margarine.
Palm oil is also used to make vanaspati, or vegetable ghee, which is a 100% vegetable fat used as a substitute for butter, fat in many countries.
The Oil palm originated in West Africa but has since been planted successfully in tropical regions within 20 degrees of the equator. The world's largest producer and exporter of palm oil today is Malaysia, producing about 50% of the world's supply of palm oil. Indonesia is the second largest world producer of palm oil producing approx 30% of world palm oil volume.
Did you know that palm oil is found in many food products - including chocolate, margarine, biscuits, chips and muesli.
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- Can you tell me about the history of Palm Oil?
Palm oil is a natural food that has been consumed for more than 5,000 years.
Palm oil is produced from the fruit of the oil palm, or Elaeis Guinnesis tree, which originated in West Guinea. While the tree was introduced into other parts of Africa, South East Asia and Latin America during the 15th century, it was first introduced as an ornamental plant in 1870.
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- Does palm oil contain cholesterol?
Palm oil, like other vegetable oils, is cholesterol free.
Like other common edible fats and oils; palm oil is easily digested, absorbed an utilized for the support of healthy growth and plays a critical role in providing nutrition worldwide.
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- How many types of fern food are available in PNG?
There are three types of fern food available in Papua New Guinea:- starches, greens, and additives.
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- When common salt is not readily available in PNG what do people do?
The people prepare salt from the residual ash of a species of Asplenium, A. acrobryum. The ash is sprinkled on the cooked food prior to eating. The composition of this salt has been analysed by the University of Papua New Guinea and was found to be higher in Potassium than common salt.
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- Is vanilla produced in PNG?
Vanilla production is in its infancy in PNG. Attempts are underway to grow both vanilla planifolia and vanilla tahitiensis species in PNG.
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- How many different reptiles have been reported to be in PNG?
There have been 305 species found of which 79 are endemic to PNG.
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- How many reptiles can be found in PNG?
There are about 200 different species of reptiles and 100 types of snakes.
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- How many different amphibian species are there in PNG?
241 species have been identified with 89 endemic to PNG.
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- How much taro can be produced in a one hectare plot?
The NT1, NT2 and NT3 varieties of taro have been claimed to be able to produce eight to nine tonnes per hectare by the National Agricultural Research Institute. (NARI)
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- Does PNG have any bats?
PNG has about 91 species of bats that live across the country from small coastal islands to the treeline of the highest mountains.
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- Are there any kangaroos in PNG?
PNG is home to seven species of tree kangaroo all of which remains obscure to science.
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- What are some of the tree kangaroo species found in PNG?
The Huon Tree kangaroo -- Dendorolagus matschiei, Dendorolagus spadix (Lowland Tree Kangaroo) and the Dendorolagus goodfellowi (Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo) are three of the seven species of tree kangaroo found in PNG.
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- Who named the Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo -- Dendrolagus goodfellowi goodfellowi?
MICHAEL OLDFIELD THOMAS named the Goodfellow Tree Kangaroo in honour of its discoverer, Walter Goodfellow Esq. It was the only tree-kangaroo Thomas ever described.
Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo has a limited distribution in southeast New Guinea. Local hunters report that it is absent from the central mountains in the Kokoda area, but that it inhabits the outlying ranges. It is likewise absent from the higher part of the Wharton Range.
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- How much tea did PNG produce in 2001?
PNG produced about 8,000 tonnes of tea in 2001.
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- How much rubber did PNG produce in 2001?
PNG produces 3,600 - 4,000 tonnes of rubber per annum. It is hoped that this figure will reach 4,500 tonnes in 2002.
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