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via Papua New Guinea
Please note -- Whilst all care has been taken in preparing and maintaining the FAQ's about Papua New Guinea it is not possible to be able verify every answer. The information is provided 'as is' and I can not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from the use of this information.
Please verify the information for yourself from a government source, travel agent or other similar organisation.
This database does not contain information about other countries. It is only about Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Misc FAQ's List of Categories
PNG Misc 1 PNG Misc 2 PNG Misc 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
- Who won the Miss Hetura title in the 2004 Hiri Hanenamo quest?
- Who won the Hiri Queen title in 2004?
- Who was crowned as the Hiri Queen / Miss Hiri Hanenamo in 2005?
- Who was crowned the Hiri Queen / Miss Hiri Hanenamo for 2006?
- What are the traditional foods of Papua New Guinea?
- How much profit did the Public Officers Superannuation Fund make in 2004?
- How much profit did the Public Officers Superannuation Fund make in 2005?
- retail music stores?
- What is "spak brus"?
- Where can I find information about St Joseph's International School?
- What was VIG?
- What can you tell me about the Australian child sex tourism laws?
- What is the present population for Panamecho Village, New Ireland Province?
PNG Misc 1 PNG Misc 2 PNG Misc 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
- Who won the Miss Hetura title in the 2004 Hiri Hanenamo quest?
Kari Madaha took out the Miss Hetura title. (Miss Friendship). Mary Toa won the Miss Hiri Hanenamo title and Miria Gaimu Ikipu from Hanubada was runner up for the main title.
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- Who won the Hiri Queen title in 2004?
Mary Toa from Pari village was crowned Miss Hiri Hanenamo in 2004.
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- Who was crowned as the Hiri Queen / Miss Hiri Hanenamo in 2005?
Miss Hotolomase (Hitolo) Talia was crowned the 2005 Hiri Queen / Hiri Hanenamo
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- Who was crowned the Hiri Queen / Miss Hiri Hanenamo for 2006?
Miss Alison Corrinna Exton from Hanuabada 2006 Hiri Queen / Hiri Hanenamo. Robin Kila from Gaire was runner-up.
Alison was a student of Port Moresby National High School when she won the title during the 2006 Independence Celebrations / Hiri Festival.
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- What are the traditional foods of Papua New Guinea?
It depends on what region of the country you come from. Some of the staple foods are:-
Kau Kau
and more recently rice, pig, chicken etc.
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- How much profit did the Public Officers Superannuation Fund make in 2004?
It has been reported that the fund made a profit of K120.6 million in 2004 and was able to pay members a 15.5 percent interest to its members.
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- How much profit did the Public Officers Superannuation Fund make in 2005?
Not sure but it was reported that the fund made an unaudited pre-tax profit of K173 million in the first six months of 2005.
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- retail music stores?
Try Chin H Meen as they have a web site -- http://www.chmsupersound.com and a recording studio for local music / artists.
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- What is "spak brus"?
Often referred to as New Guinea Gold - marijuana
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- Where can I find information about St Joseph's International School?
Try calling them on +675 325 3733 or PO Box 5784, Boroko, Papua New Guinea.
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- What was VIG?
VIG was the spark gap radio station set up in 1913 by AWA. It was reconstructed in 1921 with valve transmitters. From 1935 VIG relayed on short wave the commercial programming from its sister station 4PM
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- What can you tell me about the Australian child sex tourism laws?
Australian authorities are committed to combating sexual exploitation of children by Australians overseas. Australians may be prosecuted at home under Australian child sex tourism laws. These laws provide severe penalties of up to 17 years imprisonment for Australians who engage in sexual activity with children under 16 while outside of Australia.
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- What is the present population for Panamecho Village, New Ireland Province?
Sorry can not answer that question at the moment.
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Please remember that this is a FAQ database about Papua New Guinea.
Doing a search for PNG or New Guinea or even P.N.G will probably not return much. Keep the search simple. i.e. if you want to find out the population simply enter "population" without the quotes. There is no need to have PNG / P.N.G or whatever in the search string.
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