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via Papua New Guinea
Please note -- Whilst all care has been taken in preparing and maintaining the FAQ's about Papua New Guinea it is not possible to be able verify every answer. The information is provided 'as is' and I can not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from the use of this information.
Please verify the information for yourself from a government source, travel agent or other similar organisation.
This database does not contain information about other countries. It is only about Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Medical - General List of Categories
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- Do you have contact details for Lorengau Hospital?
- Where is the 2008 Medical Symposium being held?
- How many doctors are there in Papua New Guinea?
- Where is the Modilon Hospital?
- Who runs the Tabubil Hospital?
- I have heard of ANGAU hospital in a recent news report about cancer. Where is it?
- What are the health issues I should consider before travelling to PNG?
- Are there any health risks associated with visiting PNG?
- What is the name of the main hospital in Port Moresby?
- Are there any private clinics or hospitals in Port Moresby?
- What are the main forms of cancer in PNG?
- What are the common cancers found in women in PNG?
- How many new cervical cancer cases are seen each year at Port Moresby General Hospital?
- What is the main cause of mouth cancer in PNG?
- What is the main form of cancer in children in PNG?
- How much money is spent every year for AIDS awareness campaigns/activities?
- Is it possible to be evacuated from PNG in a medical emergency?
- How many mothers give birth at Port Moresby General Hospital every year?
- How many pregnancies are there in PNG every year?
- What is the maternal death rate for mothers giving birth in PNG?
- Are there any latest figures /info about leukaemia in PNG?
- I have a rare neurological disease and have been receiving a blood product in Australia on a monthly basis which is supplied by the Red Cross Blood Bank. Is the hospital in PNG (anywhere) that would be able to provide this for me? I shall be moving to Mt Hagen in the next 3 to 4 months. I would be very grateful for either an answer or if not, if you could give me details of somewhere I could find out the information for myself. My husband will be working up there for a few years, so I really need this information. Many Thanks for your help and this site.
- Is there rabies on PNG?
- We have been asked to help set up a Medical Practice in Port Moresby.
Is there Pathology Laboratories in Port Moresby.
Is there Radiology facilities in Port Moresby. Are Medical Practices using computerised Medical Software to maintain patient notes and billings.
Are Pharmacy scripts computerised?
Is is possible to recruit Doctors in Port Moresby. Any other information on setting up General Practice Medical Facilities in Port Moresby would be appreciated.
- Are there opporunities for medical work in Port Moresbay General Hospital?
- How many beds are there in the Port Moresby General Hospital? How much of them belong to the deparptment of general surgery?
- Where is the Mount Sion Centre for the Blind?
- Where is IMR located?
- In what year was the College of Allied Health incorporated into the University of PNG?
- Who is Milne Bay's traditional medicine woman?
- Do you have any statistics about how HIV/AIDS is affecting PNG?
- How many people have died of AIDS in PNG?
- Is HIV a problem in PNG?
- How many people had HIV at the end of 2001?
- When was HIV/AIDS first detected in PNG?
- Of the 4,792 cases of HIV reported in PNG at the end of December 2001 how many were men? women?
- Is TB a problem in PNG?
- Where is Kikori hospital?
- Where is Kudjip Nazarene Hospital?
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- Do you have contact details for Lorengau Hospital?
Here a some of the hospitals but not all
Alotau Public Hospital, (PO Box 402 Alotau), Ph: 641 0040
Angau Memorial Hospital, Hospital Grounds lae, Ph: 472 1211
Gaubin Karkar District Lutheran, Hospital FMBS Karkar Island, Ph: 853 7495
Goroka Hospital, ????
Kavieng Hospital, (PO Box 68 Kavieng), Ph: 984 2040
Kerema Hospital, (PO Box 93 Kerema), Ph: 648 1042
Kimbe Hospital, (PO Box 99 Kimbe), Ph: 983 5129
Kundiawa Hospital, (PO Box 192 Kundiawa), Ph: 735 1228
Lorengau Hospital, (PO Box 42 Lorengau), Ph: 470 9055
Madang Hospital, (PO Box 2115 Madang), Ph: 852 2022
Mendi Hospital, (PO Box 63 Mendi), Ph: 549 1166
Mt Hagen Hospital, (PO Box 129 Mt Hagen), Ph: 542 1166
Nonga Base Hostpital, (PO Box 461 Rabaul), Ph; 982 7167
Pacific Internatonal Hospital (PO Box 6103 Boroko) Ph 323 4400 Fax: 323 4600
Popondetta Hospital, (PO Box 93 Popondetta), Ph: 329 7066
Port Moresby General Hospital, Taurama Rd, Boroko. Ph: 324 8200
Rabaul Hospital, (PO Box 461 Rabaul), Ph: 982 7333
St Mary's Hospital, Sir Hubert Murray Highway, Ph: 323 2266
Paradise Private Hospital, Taurama Road Boroko, Ph: 325 6022
Tusa Priavte Hospital (PO Box 171 Lae 411) Ph: 472 4688 Fax: 472 1740
Vanimo Hospital, (PO Box 84 Vanimo), Ph: 857 1080
Wabag Hospital, (PO Box 110 Wabag), Ph: 547 1186
Wewak General Hospital, Boram Rd, Wewak. (PO Box 395 Wewak). Ph: 856 2256
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- Where is the 2008 Medical Symposium being held?
It will be held in Rabaul (Sept 1 to Sept 5)
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- How many doctors are there in Papua New Guinea?
In 2005 this was estimated to be 2005.
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- Where is the Modilon Hospital?
It is the hospital that serves Madang. (Both the town of Madang and Madang province)
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- Who runs the Tabubil Hospital?
I belive that Ok Tedi Mining limited run the hospital. Ok Tedi upgraded the hospital in 2007 with an injection of K3 million. The new facilities were officially opened by the Health Minister, Sasa Zibe on the 5th of November 2007.
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- I have heard of ANGAU hospital in a recent news report about cancer. Where is it?
It is in Lae, Morobe Province.
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- What are the health issues I should consider before travelling to PNG?
For information on prevalent diseases and inoculations, travellers should consult their doctor, travel clinic or the World Health Organization (WHO). Further information can be found in the Australian 'Travelling Well' brochure.
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- Are there any health risks associated with visiting PNG?
Yes. PNG is a known malaria zone and travellers should take anti-malaria medication while visiting the country and for a period of time after returning home.
Tuberculosis (TB), tetanus, hepatitus B and HIV are also a problem in the country although tourists are unlikely to come into contact with any of these illnesses if precautions are taken.
Take the advice of your doctor as to what vaccinations are currently recommended for PNG.
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- What is the name of the main hospital in Port Moresby?
PMGH - Port Moresby General Hospital is the name of the main hospital for Port Moresby and the country.
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- Are there any private clinics or hospitals in Port Moresby?
Yes, there are a couple of private hopitals and many clinics in the National Capital District that patients can choose from.
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- What are the main forms of cancer in PNG?
The main forms of cancer are mouth, cervical, liver, stomach, paediatric and breast cancer.
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- What are the common cancers found in women in PNG?
Cervical and breast cancer.
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- How many new cervical cancer cases are seen each year at Port Moresby General Hospital?
The Port Moresby General hospital (PMGH) sees approximately 100-200 new cases each year. (2002)
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- What is the main cause of mouth cancer in PNG?
The chewing of "buai" is cited as the main cause of mouth cancer in PNG.
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- What is the main form of cancer in children in PNG?
Leukaemia has been reported as the most prevalent form of cancer in children in PNG.
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- How much money is spent every year for AIDS awareness campaigns/activities?
I am not sure. Much of the money that is received as aid from overseas countries is used up administering HIV/AIDS projects. Whatever is spent is not enough and I don't think anyone would say that the PNG government is spending enough.
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- Is it possible to be evacuated from PNG in a medical emergency?
Yes, several companies offer this service.
Niugini Air Rescue,
Airlines of PNG (MBA)
and I believe that Trans Air Ltd. PNG also offer the service.
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- How many mothers give birth at Port Moresby General Hospital every year?
Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH) sees more than 10,000 pregnancies a year or 30 births a day. The hospital has only 22 delivery beds and during peak times some mothers have their babies on the floor. There are only three to four midwives a shift to supervise them so unfortunately this means that some ladies have to deliver on the floor and many do not get to see a midwife for their necessary hourly observations.
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- How many pregnancies are there in PNG every year?
On average there are 200,000 pregnancies in PNG every year, only 60 per cent of the mothers go to a clinic for check-up and only 50 per cent of mothers were able to achieve a supervised delivery at the end of their pregnancy.
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- What is the maternal death rate for mothers giving birth in PNG?
The maternal death rate is considered to be very high with 400 women dying for every 100,000 live births throughout the country. This is the highest in the world and means that more than 1000 PNG mothers die each year from pregnancy-related causes.
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- Are there any latest figures /info about leukaemia in PNG?
Sorry I do not have those figures but try sendng a request to -- info@pngimr.org.pg. This is the general email address for the PNG Insitute of Medical Research based in Gorokoa, Eastern Highlands province.
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- I have a rare neurological disease and have been receiving a blood product in Australia on a monthly basis which is supplied by the Red Cross Blood Bank. Is the hospital in PNG (anywhere) that would be able to provide this for me? I shall be moving to Mt Hagen in the next 3 to 4 months. I would be very grateful for either an answer or if not, if you could give me details of somewhere I could find out the information for myself. My husband will be working up there for a few years, so I really need this information. Many Thanks for your help and this site.
A reply from a doctor should be on its way to you.
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- Is there rabies on PNG?
No. Not that I am aware of but it is in Indonesia just across the border.
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- We have been asked to help set up a Medical Practice in Port Moresby.
Is there Pathology Laboratories in Port Moresby.
Is there Radiology facilities in Port Moresby. Are Medical Practices using computerised Medical Software to maintain patient notes and billings.
Are Pharmacy scripts computerised?
Is is possible to recruit Doctors in Port Moresby. Any other information on setting up General Practice Medical Facilities in Port Moresby would be appreciated.
Not being a medical person I can not really answer with any authority. The answer, as far as I know, is YES but please try and contact some of the people below
This may help however --
Suppliers of medical equipment
PacMed -- pacmed@pacpro.com.pg
MedDent -- info@meddent.com.pg
BellTek Health -- health@belltek.com.pg
Medical Supplies -- sales@johnstons.com.pg
Port Morseby Medical Services -- info@pmms.net
Port Moresby Private Specialists Medical Centre -- pmpsmc@datec.net.pg
The Private Hospital and Clinic -- jigo@daltron.com.pg
These are the only contact (email) details I could find.
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Yes, but you would need to contact local businesses as jobs come and go so it is not possible provide a list of vacancies at any one time.
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- Are there opporunities for medical work in Port Moresbay General Hospital?
You would need to write to the Department of Health.
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- How many beds are there in the Port Moresby General Hospital? How much of them belong to the deparptment of general surgery?
Sorry, I can not find an answer to that but may be a reader will be able to offer an answer.
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- Where is the Mount Sion Centre for the Blind?
The Mount Sion Centre for the Blind and Disabled Persons located along the Okuk Highway (one of PNG's National Highways) and a 20 minute drive out of Goroka Town (Eastern Highlands Province) towards Kainantu.
It is a Catholic run educational institution for the deaf and blind.
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- Where is IMR located?
The PNG Institute of Medical Research is an internationally renowned institution with the function of informing national health policies through research on national health priorities. It is located in the town of Goroka in the Eastern Highlands province-- www.pngimr.org.pg
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- In what year was the College of Allied Health incorporated into the University of PNG?
The College of Allied Health was incorporated into the University of PNG as the Faculty of Health Sciences.
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- Who is Milne Bay's traditional medicine woman?
I would have to say that Minnie Bate from Wedau would have to be the person you are asking about. She has developed several traditional remedies that she sells.
In 2003 she was recognised at the PNG Made Trade Fair held in Lae with a Small Buisness Encouargment Award and Best Product Award.
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- Do you have any statistics about how HIV/AIDS is affecting PNG?
The latest HIV statistics for PNG in 2007
People living with HIV : 56,175
AIDS deaths: 5995
Orphans due to AIDS: 3730
Number on Anti Retroviral Treatment: 3000
In PNG more people have tuberculosis (TB) than HIV
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- How many people have died of AIDS in PNG?
The number of deaths has been reported as being 5995 but it must be noted that earlier there was no reliable HIV/AIDS notification system in place to determine the exact number of deaths.
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- Is HIV a problem in PNG?
HIV / AIDS is a serious health issue in PNG with the rate of infection increasing. Other sexually transmitted diseases are prevalent in all urban centres.
Protection with condoms
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- How many people had HIV at the end of 2001?
It was reported that in December 2001 4,792 people in the country had HIV.
In 2007 this figure is now 56,175
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- When was HIV/AIDS first detected in PNG?
The first HIV positive case was reported in 1987 in the country, the infection increased slowly but steadily up until 1995.
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- Of the 4,792 cases of HIV reported in PNG at the end of December 2001 how many were men? women?
Of the 4,792 cases, 2,458 (51%) were males, 2174 (45%) were female and 260 (4%) sex was not stated. Of the total reported cases, 1517 people were identified with an AIDS related disease at the time of diagnosis, 843 people were classified with HIV infection but not sick with AIDS and 2432 individuals remain unclassified.
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- Is TB a problem in PNG?
Yes, In PNG more people have tuberculosis (TB) than HIV.
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- Where is Kikori hospital?
Kikori Hospital is located on the southwest peninsula of PNG, near the capital city of Port Moresby. The setting is extremely rural, with few roads. Travel is frequently by boat.
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- Where is Kudjip Nazarene Hospital?
This facility is located in the beautiful Waghi Valley, and includes a clinic, nursing school, community health program, and full-service hospital boasting 850 deliveries per year.
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