PNG Frequently Asked Questions
via Papua New Guinea

Please note -- Whilst all care has been taken in preparing and maintaining the FAQ's about Papua New Guinea it is not possible to be able verify every answer. The information is provided 'as is' and I can not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from the use of this information.

Please verify the information for yourself from a government source, travel agent or other similar organisation.

This database does not contain information about other countries.   It is only about Papua New Guinea (PNG).

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Please note that this is not "Ask Jeeves" - you cannot type a whole sentence as your query. Enter a word, a phrase, or several words and press search.

Please remember that this is a FAQ database about Papua New Guinea.

Doing a search for PNG or New Guinea or even P.N.G will probably not return much. Keep the search simple. i.e. if you want to find out the population simply enter "population" without the quotes. There is no need to have PNG / P.N.G or whatever in the search string.

Also - Spelling is important searching for 'inkom' will not return items related to 'income'

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Created 1 May 2002
Updated 21 Jun 2008

PNG FAQ's ©1998 - 2009 Trevor Michie