Asaro Mudmen - Port Moresby 2006

via Papua New Guinea

Asaro Mudmen,

The Asaro Mudmen are popular attractions at any of the many Cultural Shows around PNG. If you are lucky you will even find them at the annual United Nations Concert held at the Port Moresby International School.

The Asarao Mudmen come from just outside the town of Goroka along the Highlands Highway in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.

The legend that surrounds the reason the mudmen appear the way they are is that they were defeated by an opposing tribe and forced to flee into the Asaro River. They waited until dusk before attempting to escape. Arising from the muddy banks, the enemy saw them covered in mud and thought they were spirits.

Most tribes in Papua New Guinea are very scared of spirits so the enemy fled in fear and the Asaro Mudmen were victorious!

The photos below were taken at the 1st Port Moresby Cultural Show held at the Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresy between the 26th and 28th of May, 2006.


2003 Goroka Show - Fire making - Huli Wigmen - Oro Dancers



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Created 28 May 2006
Updated 28 Jun, 2007

©2006 - Trevor Michie