Salesian College, Rupertswood

In the year, 2000, I attended a new school (for me). It was Salesian College, Rupertswood. The school is located at Sunbury, Victoria (Australia) which is not too far from Melbourne International Airport, Tullamarine.

Salesian College occupies the spacious grounds and mansion which was built by Sir William Clarke in 1874. It was named after his son Rupert.

Rupertswood, Salesian College
Rupertswood, Salesian College

Rupertswood holds a place great in the heart of cricketing fans as "The Ashes" were created there when the English touring side were guests of the Clarkes' in 1882

The history of the school at Rupertswood began in 1927 with the arrival of the Salesians. The Salesian order was founded by St John Bosco in 1859 at Turin in Italy.

This was the first time in my school life that I had to get used to wearing a jumper. Up until then I had not worn a jumper for more than a couple of weeks or maybe months and that would only be when I've been in places like England, Netherlands or Italy for example.

A jumper!
As the weather became colder I was forced into wearing a jumper for more than just a day at a time. As the winter terms commenced the blazer and tie became a mandatory piece of clothing. For the first time in my life I had to wear more than shorts and short sleeve shirt to school! - I survived!

About Michie.NET

This site is about Trevor Michie's family. Trevor has family mainly in Victoria with a son and daughter (and  their families) in Perth, West Australia. He has in-laws in Papua New Guinea - Australia's closest neighbour.

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