Coconut Cream

Coconut Cream

To make coconut cream - (which is used in cooking in Papua New Guinea)

Climbing a Coconut
Climb the coconut first!

Scrape the flesh away from the coconut shell - (so that it resembles desiccated coconut) for each scraped coconut add one cup of water to the scraped mix. Squeeze the mix between your hands and strain the resulting cream into your prepared dish or save for later.

Alternative to Coconut Cream

For those of you who are conscious about their weight and worried that coconut cream might be too fattening then there is an alternative so that you can make up you own nonfat coconut milk.


  • 1 tablespoon corn flour

  • 500 ml skim milk

  • 2 teaspoons Coconut Essence



  • Mix milk and corn flour in small saucepan and simmer until thickened to creamy consistency

  • Allow to cool

  • Add coconut essence and stir - refrigerate.

Use volume for volume as a replacement for coconut milk.

About Michie.NET

This site is about Trevor Michie's family. Trevor has family mainly in Victoria with a son and daughter (and  their families) in Perth, West Australia. He has in-laws in Papua New Guinea - Australia's closest neighbour.

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